
TechPro API Server

I built this web server to boost company producivity for field technicians. The API uses a NoSQL Database to store and manage customer data. The API was designed to be scalable and follow REST practices to allow for integration with multiple client side applications and API networks. The API ensures that data is formatted and validated before processing through the database. This allows for better User Experience and better database management.

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Richflix is a movie browsing web application that enhances user experience through server-side rendering, built with TypeScript, React, and Next.js. It features user authentication to pave the way for future additions like watchlists. Designed with scalability and ease of updates in mind, it utilizes a modular architecture, including a "single source of truth", libraries, utility functions, and reusable components.

a movie browsing appVisitSource Code


Use this web application to track your work hours and estimate your paycheck in real-time. Just set your pay rate, clock in, and watch how much money you are making while you're on the clock. It comes with a basic version for those who do not want to create an account, and a Pro version with user authentication that can save your work history and track your hours for you. Find more details in the 'About' page when you visit the website.

a paycheck tracking appVisitSource Code